Journal of University Management
- The Journal of University Management, which was granted the publication permission from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance on the basis of license number 91491 on 21 - 02 - 2022, is published in both print and online versions.
- In line with the objectives, vision and policies of the journal, and with the aim of utilizing scientific capabilities and developing research collaborations, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the scientific journal "University Management" and the "Iranian Society for Training and Development".

- Frequency: Quarterly
- Publisher: University of Kurdistan
- Publication format: electronic, offline and printed
- Type of articles: Research Articles
- Acceptance rate of articles: about 53% in 2023-2024 (1402 solar calendar)
- ISSN: -
- Online ISSN::3041-8712
- Plagiarism screening: Samim Noor Software
- Review process: double blind peer review
- Minimum review time: 4 months approximately
- Contact the Journal: via the "Contact Us" section
- Date of first publication: 2021
- Open access: CC BY-NC 4.0
- Access to articles and downloading them is free.


Dear Respected Authors and Researchers:
- Manuscripts written in a qualitative or mixed method approach will be given priority in the review process.
- Before submitting the article, please thoroughly study the author guidelines and the journal's ethical guidelines.
- Before submitting the article, please ensure that the article is aligned with the topics and objectives outlined in the journal's scope and vision.
- Please ensure that the article has not been previously published in any of the journal's previous issues before submitting.
- All articles submitted to the Journal of University Management will be checked for similarity using plagiarism detection software before the review process.
- Submission process: After registering in the journal's system, authors can submit their articles in the author's section and follow the entire review process through the same platform.
The conflict of interest form and the author's commitment letter signed by the corresponding author must be attached to the article.
• Please download the Word file of the conflict of interest form for the author(s) here.
• Please download the Word file of the author's commitment letter here.
Pages 27-1
Abbas Ghaedamini Harouni; Maryam Salehi Farsani; Alireza Jafari Farsani; elahe Musharraf Gahfarkh; Somayeh Shah Bandari