Open Access Policy
The Journal of University Management is an open access publication; this means that all the content of the publication is freely available to users and institutions, and users are allowed to download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles without prior permission from the publisher or the author. In this publication, the articles are published under the terms and conditions of the license of Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
License Conditions
This symbol means the permission to use the work with two conditions: one is to cite the author and the other is to use for non-commercial purposes. Users are permitted to distribute, remix, modify, and build on the original work under this license, but only for non-commercial purposes; otherwise, permission must be obtained from the creator of the work.
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Authors’ articles published in the journal reserve the copyright of their articles, and they can share their articles or archive them in repositories. This means that these articles can be easily shared and used as long as they are cited correctly. Published articles are immediately shared on depositories and social networks. Articles can be shared by addressees, published in print, archived, and included in syllabus of lesson. To read more about these policies, you can refer to this link.
The Journal of University Management follow the principles of copyright.
In this publication, the authors own the copyright of the content of the articles.