Explaining the relationship of competitive intelligence based on information technology competence with the mediation of quantum management skills in university administrators.

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Economics and Financial Management of Higher Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran


The aim of the current research was to explain competitive intelligence based on information technology competence with the mediation of quantum management skills in university managers. The research method was descriptive-correlation and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population included all the presidents, associate principal and managers of the groups of the six campuses of Semnan University, equal to 211, out of which, using the Cochran formula, there were 137 people using proportional stratified random sampling as a sample were chosen. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire based on research literature, including 20 questions with a 5-point Likert scale in four parts; Demographic questions, information technology competency (general developed skills, specialized developed skills); Quantum management skills (quantum knowledge and thinking, quantum feeling and perception, quantum trust and action), and competitive intelligence (organizational intelligence, social intelligence, competitors intelligence) whose validity and reliability based on content and convergent validity and combined and internally reliability were verified. The collected data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling method of the variance-oriented approach. The results showed; information technology competence has the most direct effect on quantum management skills. The direct effect of information technology competence on competitive intelligence was greater than the direct effect of quantum skills on competitive intelligence. Also, the results of the research showed that information technology competence estimates 0.29 of the changes in the competitive intelligence of university managers through the mediation of quantum management skills. The achievement of the present study provides a suitable scientific-technical tool for the strategic planning of the development of competitive human capital of the university administrators to the policy makers and decision makers of the higher education system.


Main Subjects

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