The effectiveness of education and training in the platform of blockchain: a qualitative review based on the data base approach

Document Type : Original Article


Master, Department of Educational Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Blockchain offers many innovative technologies to create authentic mechanisms in an open environment and thus becomes a promising solution to the authenticity problem in educational development. In order to better understand the role of blockchain, the aim of the current research was the effectiveness of education in the platform of blockchain. The current research method was applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of research method. The statistical population of the research was the elites and education experts and university professors, and the sampling was done in a targeted way with the snowball method and according to the theoretical saturation in the sampling, and 15 people were selected from among them. A semi-structured interview was used to collect information. The method of data analysis was based on the open, central and selective coding approach of grand theory or data base method. Based on the categories in the form of 12 main categories in the heart of the 6 dimensions of the paradigmatic model in the form of causal conditions (1 category); main phenomenon (2 categories); solutions (3 categories); contexts (3 categories); environmental and mediating conditions (2 categories); Consequences (2 categories) were placed; Therefore, it is suggested to education to provide the necessary and legal infrastructure and fair access to information for the optimal use of this blockchain capacity.


Main Subjects

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