Designing a competency assessment pattern for managers of scientific institutions: Meta-Syntheses approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Head of the monitoring and evaluation and quality assurance center group. Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

2 Professor of Information Technology Engineering, Tarbiat Madras University, Tehran, Iran


In addition to their pivotal role in training specialized and committed human resources, universities have an important role in the growth and promotion of science and technology, as well as the development of the country. Meanwhile, university administrators, as one of the important pillars of university development and alignment of this institution with national programs, guarantee the realization of goals, growth and excellence of the country, so meritocracy in appointing people to different responsibilities of scientific institutes is the first step in establishing Management efficient and effective. The realization of these cases requires the application of a scientific pattern for selection in the scientific system of the country, so in this article, an attempt has been made to design a comprehensive pattern with the aim of measuring the competence of managers of scientific institutions. For this purpose, the results and findings of previous researches were analyzed by applying the meta-synthesis approach. In this research, the theoretical sampling method and the statistical population include all the published researches in the field of managers' competence in internal and external databases in order to achieve theoretical saturation. After extraction, the indicators were exposed to the opinion of experts in the fields of education, research and technology, and by determining the importance of each of the indicators, its content validity was confirmed and the pattern for assessing the competence of managers was presented in five components and 57 indicators. The most important feature of this pattern is its comprehensiveness in combining homogeneous concepts and covering all indicators of competency assessment of previous researches.


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